Avast/Cylance Antivirus - applications crashing

mitja.kolsek -

We have reports from users about applications crashing when 0patch Agent is installed alongside Avast Antivirus. For example, Adobe Reader DC was crashing with "unknown software exception (0xc0000409)".

While we were unable to reproduce this issue, either disabling Avast's behavior shield, or adding an exception In Avast for C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat Reader DC\Reader\AcroRd32.exe seemed to resolve the problem.

A user also reported similar symptoms with Cylance: "Cylance has the same issue and will detect 0Patch of exploiting memory. Ensure that the 0Patch binary is whitelisted from "Memory Protection" in the Cylance UI."

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    Cylance has the same issue and will detect 0Patch of exploiting memory. Ensure that the 0Patch binary is whitelisted from "Memory Protection" in the Cylance UI. 

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    tdami Thank you for reporting this!

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